We are here to serve you
Our goal is to translate and publish books of the Bible into the two closely related languages — Juhuri and Tati. We plan to publish other language resources for each, as well. Whenever we complete a book, whether in text or media, we will add it to our website. So enjoy exploring our library as it grows. Please send us any suggestions for what you would like us to translate in the future.
All of our materials are under copyright to Der Imidi Publishing, Inc. (unless otherwise noted).
We hope you enjoy this website — please pass it on to your friends!

“Der Imidi” means “Door of Hope” and comes from Hosea, chapter 2.
- 14 Therefore, watch—I will entice her,
- Lead her into the wilderness,
- Then speak to her heart;
- 15From there I will give her her vineyards,
- And make the Valley of Trouble the door of hope;
- So there she shall respond with songs as in the days of her youth,
- As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.
Hosea 2:14-15

Torah reading on the opening day of the new synagogue, 5 April, 2011

A well-known land formation in the Khizi region of Azerbaijan, along the coastal road north of Baku.

Selling produce along the road.
Online Friends
- Tovushi – Light A magazine for Mountain Jewish youth, with events and Jewish teachings
- Горские Евреи (Mountain Jews) News of the Mountain Jews, worldwide
- Новый Рубеж (New Frontier) Monthly newspaper about Mountain Jewish communities, worldwide. The website also offer children’s cartoons translated into Juhuri: Для Детей.
- Isroil.info – A hub of information from the Mountain Jewish people, worldwide. Be sure to open the page of the Mountain Jewish Theater Company and watch one of their plays!
- STMEGI “The Network of the Community of the Mountain Jews.”
- Listen to an Audio of the Hebrew Tenach
- See the live video at the Western Wall, Jerusalem. (You will need the plug-in offered on their page to view the video live; it works best in Chrome.)
- Sunny Morgan Web Design